Can you take an automatic driving test Uk?

In everyone's mind, to pass a driving license, you have to take a certain number of hours of lessons in a Birminghamdriving lesson and then take the exam when the school decides. Registration for driving school, followed by courses and registration for the exam, all this has a cost and gives rise to a rather expensive driver's license. However, what we do not know is that it is possible to present the driving license as a free candidate, a practice that can earn you up to 30% of the price of a classic license! How does it work exactly?

Prepare to drive

There are a number of rules that you must follow to practice driving. There is no question of practicing wild driving like our grandfathers and of coming, the day of the exam with his own car, to leave with the little paper and always the same car. If you can do without a real driving instructor, there are a number of safety rules that you absolutely must follow. For your part, you must be at least 18 years old and have validated your Highway Code test.

The driving vehicle

Just like in a driving school, you must drive a vehicle specially equipped for accompanied driving. This means that your car must have a passenger central mirror, driving pedals in the passenger seat, a dual rear-view mirror on the right, dual controls for lighting the lights and horn. Do not worry, no need to modify a real car, there are vehicles specially designed for this operation. You can thus benefit from the rental of a dual control car for a package of 20 or 30 hours + your presentation at the examination center.

The guide

You must be accompanied by a defined person, meeting the criteria of the law. This accompanying person must have held the B permit for at least 5 years continuously. During these 5 years, he must not have been the subject of any license suspension or cancellation. To be authorized to take the passenger's place in a learning vehicle, the accompanying person must hold a special accompanying certificate, in place of the instructor. Finally, under no circumstances will this attendant have the right to ask, in any way, to be remunerated for this service.


You must have, in your supervised driving vehicle, a certificate of insurance for the car and its passengers, Automatic Driving Lessons Coventry as well as a registration certificate and a copy of the amicable report, otherwise you cannot be authorized to drive.

Where can we ride?

You have the right to drive on the road network, at first. Subsequently, when you are more comfortable behind the wheel of the vehicle, you will be allowed to drive on the motorway network. But be careful, there are places where you are not allowed to learn to drive. To find out about these reserved routes, check with your town hall, if you go there out of ignorance, you risk a fine.

Documents to provide in the event of an inspection

When you drive, you must be able to provide your authorization to drive without a license, relating to your apprenticeship, as well as your apprenticeship booklet. The latter can be a paper booklet or take a dematerialized form, both options are possible.

Registration for the driving license exam

To take your driving license as a free candidate, Driving school Birmingham you absolutely must first register: no question of driving without your certificate. In fact, your registration, which is free, must be made at your prefecture. Find out because depending on the city where you live, you may be asked for a driver's license tax if you pass your exam.

Registration papers

In order for your registration request to be taken into account, you must submit a file containing:

  • The Cerfa form n ° 14866 * 01 or the Cerfa 02 in order to register for the driving license exam
  • The Cerfa form n ° 14848 * 013 or the Cerfa 06 for the legal format of the European Union
  • 2 passport photos with your details on the back
  • A copy of your official proof of address in 2 copies



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