10 reasons why you don't have a driver's license

I've been trying to get a license for almost five years now, but I always find excuses. Either I am not satisfied with the price for training, then there is no time because of work, Birmingham driving lesson then more important things appear. And no matter who says anything, I give a counterargument to any argument. Reduced the cost of training or presented a certificate - I have no time. They warn that soon it will be even more difficult to pass the exam, and so we will break through. But in fact, these are all attempts to justify my laziness. For the convenience of students, modern driving schools are doing everything possible and have long ago solved my problems. Expensive training. The first thing a future driver thinks about is how much it will take to get the long-awaited license. The crisis is still raging in the yard, food prices are going up, utility bills are growing, and you also need to dress. Now many driving schools periodically significantly reduce the prices fo...